USBC News, Rules, Updates

Here you will find information related to USBC national news, rules updates, and other related matters.


Please the attached “Rules Extra” bulletin from USBC this week.  It has some good information with respect to leagues, and in particular one issue to remind all leagues is the structure of their officers relationship restrictions.  July 2021 Week 1

***  IMPORTANT MESSAGE for all youth bowlers and youth league & tournament directors:

Attention all Youth Bowlers and Youth Program Directors:
Please be advised that USBC is updating the rule governing Youth versus Adult sanctioning eligibility effective Aug 1, 2021:
Additionally, they are clarifying actions needed by Youth bowlers who turn 18 during an active season.  The below key points may help to clarify the rule change announcement of yesterday:

Key Points:
=== A bowler cannot sanction in USBC as an Adult until the day of their 18th birthday.
=== If a bowler starts a season as a Youth, since they are not 18 prior to Aug 1 of the upcoming season, they can continue bowling in youth leagues and tournaments for the full season provided that once they turn 18 during the youth season they MUST immediately take the SafeSport certification online training.  (This is free to all USBC members via links).  They then need to provide a copy (in print or electronic PDF file) of the completed certification proof to the Youth league & tournament directors.
=== If a youth bowler decides to sanction and bowl as an adult once they turn 18, they cannot participate as a youth bowler in any leagues, tournaments, or other competitions that violate Rule 400 (see USBC Rules, page 6, Youth Membership Eligibility).  If they choose to participate in any scenario that violates Rule 400, their youth eligibility immediately ends. 

Rules change effective Aug. 1, 2021 (released by USBC on 5-May-2021)
A new amendment will go into effect Aug. 1, 2021. Click on the below item to read the full proposal being adopted of the amendment:

A new addition to Rule 16 in the USBC General Playing Rules, which limits adult membership to individuals 18 and older and creates a clear line between USBC Youth and USBC Adult membership.


*** Reminder — USBC Rules Changes for 2020-2021 season
*** These changes were effective August 1, 2020.
*** The “No Balance Hole” rule was announced two years in advance to give all bowlers plenty of time to adjust / change equipment.

*** FAQ information from USBC on league start-ups.***

FAQ Advice from USBC National Organization on issues relating to COVID-19 outbreak in USA: